How to create wordpress theme?
Introduction to WordPress Theme Development.
Create theme directory under the wordpress wp-content theme folder.
e.g Theme Name : developer
Now add basic files in the theme folder.
Above are very basic files to create wordpress theme.
Below are the some other files to improve your theme functioanlity.
Using these template files you can put template tags within the index.php master file to include these other files where you want them to appear in the final generated page.
To include the header, use get_header().
To include the sidebar, use get_sidebar().
To include the footer, use get_footer().
To include the search form, use get_search_form().
Most Action Hooks are within the core PHP code of WordPress, so your Theme does not have to have any special tags for them to work. But a few Action Hooks do need to be present in your Theme, in order for Plugins to display information directly in your header, footer, sidebar, or in the page body. Here is a list of the special Action Hook Template Tags you need to include:
Used in the theme functions file. Used to load external scripts and stylesheets.
Goes in the <head> element of a theme, in header.php. Example plugin use: add JavaScript code.
Goes in footer.php, just before the closing </body> tag. Example plugin use: insert PHP code that needs to run after everything else, at the bottom of the footer. Very commonly used to insert web statistics code, such as Google Analytics.
Typically goes in the <li>Meta</li> section of a Theme's menu or sidebar; sidebar.php template. Example plugin use: include a rotating advertisement or a tag cloud.
Goes in comments.php directly before the file's closing tag (</div>). Example plugin use: display a comment preview.